Sunday, June 29, 2008

The sky is falling...Maybe.

Today Vivianna and I made our first move to insure our continued solvency. As I did during the Y2K worry in 1999, I am beginning to make preparations for a worst case scenario. It isn’t that I am purely a pessimist; I just prefer insurance over an ostrich approach to life.

In 99, the worry was mostly a banking break down and a possible short term adjustment if the computers dumped and there was a temporary break down in our delivery and distribution systems. The possibility of riots and social disturbances guided my preparations. Mostly I actually profited on my preparations even though there wasn’t any problems. I bought Gold coins for 260 dollars and they are selling for 925 now. I bought Silver coins for 8 dollars that are selling for 25 now. I will NEVER have to buy ammo again and have few needs as far as arms. I sold several firearms that I had bought, just in case, for whopping profits. You don’t have to lose money when you plan ahead. If things had gone bad, my insurance preparations would have been PRICELESS!! Instead they were just profitable.

Over the next year I plan to obtain a travel trailer, 2 motor cycles, a year or twos supply of food and a few other less mentionable things. What I am preparing for is the possibility of gas prices in the 7 dollar region. The effects that this will have, coupled with insane denial of the fact that there is a problem by the Democrats will possibly make food prices explode in the big cities. One of the BIG differences between Big City needs and perspective is that ALL of their food, water, energy and supplies are “imported.” Where I live, I could actually live off locally grown foods and locally harvested meats. We in the country will not be hungry. A year supply of food means that I will be fine until I get my garden up and running. I live on a major waterway and can catch more fish than we can eat easily.

The travel trailer is our answer to Vivianna’s 550 miles travel to go to and from work each week. Right NOW we are spending over 300 in gas alone to get her too and from. She/we can live over there in a camp ground for less than 200 a month 5 miles from her work. Ride the bikes to work and we will save untold amounts of gas and MONEY if the price goes sky high. I can hang out my shingle and repair things anywhere. I also do RV repair so I can bring some cash in just hitting the lake area camps along with AC and appliance repair.

In 1982 when the oil industry in Texas went bust after our LAST “the sky is falling and there ain’t no more oil” scare, many of my friends lost their homes. I came out pretty good because I had taken out insurance in the fact that by the time of the collapse, I owed not a dime to anyone and had bought a house that while not as impressive as most of my economic equals was affordable even on a substantially lower income.

I am well into my 5th decade. This isn’t my first rodeo. I have been wrong before BUT I have NEVER been caught with my pants down by an economic bust. They are actually easy to see coming. The problem is that most people fear change so much that they hide from what they see and deny it until it is too late. In 1982 in East Texas, you saw entire families fall from upper middle class to HOMELESS. The road side parks that had bathrooms became villages of families that were living in their cars! I was poor, but my family had a roof over its head and food on the table. In the end we came out the other side WAY better off financially. My marriage was stronger and better than ever because we as a couple, became a TEAM and learned that we could depend on each other when the going gets tough.

Everyone will do as they wish. Most will think me an alarmist but consider yourselves warned. We MAY be in for a rough ride. If you plan ahead it can be turned into an adventure instead of a disaster.

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