Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Weather, pain and fishing classes

Egads!!! I went to therapy today and the weather was AWFUL. I went through 50mph crosswinds, hail up to golf ball size, and what I think was a tornado!!! The wind was bad but I don’t think that just wind would pick up a 6 foot diameter corrugated culvert that was 15 feet long from a construction site and stand it on end in the middle of the freeway. When that appeared out of the rain in front of me I nearly freaked.

The bad weather really makes my joints hurt now so on top of everything else I had a rough time in therapy. It seems sometimes like the more that I progress, the more I return to the cycle of pain that I wanted to leave behind. I’m incredibly tired of hurting.

I love little kids. Today at therapy a woman brought her granddaughter. While Granny did her exercises this little girl danced around and played. Such a pleasure…little girls are one of the special pleasures in the world. I remember my daughter at that age…wish I had grandkids. I’m thinking of starting to teach a fishing class out at the state park on a more regular basis. The state sponsored class that I do is only once a month in the spring for 4 months and in the fall for about three months. I think that I might like to do one a couple of times a month, year around.

A little boy about 6 came up to me after the program Saturday and asked if he could give me a hug. He said that this had been the very best day ever. He had caught his first fish. So many of the kiddo’s have absentee Dads or like one that I promised to give a call and take fishing. His Dad works off shore 14 on and 7 off with two of the off days spent traveling. They used to fish but when he lost his job and had to go off shore that stopped. I talked to his Mom and will try to talk to his Dad first. He lives right near one of my favorite fishing holes.


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