Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Be happy, be YOU

Therapy yesterday went pretty good. I don’t think that I am going to have to go much longer. Actually I am strong enough right now to continue my recovery without supervision. My problem is with my flexibility. I have back problems that are mostly in my right leg as sciatic nerve issues. My left leg was my “Good” leg until the hip went kapooy. Now I am at the point where my legs are about equal but I’m not supposed to bend my left hip past 90%...and my left won’t go that far! Ah well, I don’t hurt much except when I bend over or try to fold up these days…

My GRRRRRR of the day is the Television and the unrealistic view of what pretty/happy people are supposed to look like. Their so called healthy happy people (more especially women) are thin as a rail and sickly, tanned to the point of being skin cancer candidates, and ALWAYS so young looking that they are really just kids. EXCUSE ME!!! The kind of thin that they push is NOT healthy nor very attractive to most men. I have yet to meet a man who prefers flat chested, hollow cheeked (on BOTH ends!) curveless women over a more curvatious woman with a glow of health. The only men that I can think of that prefer this have a little girl fetish. (This does not mean pedophile by the way!)

In my humble opinion, Ha Ha, ALL healthy, happy, reasonably intelligent women are beautiful!! A woman with sparkling eyes and smile is lovely whether she weighs 110 or 210! True beauty is not possible until at the very least age 30 because it takes about that long for a persons true character to make itself seen on our face. A child’s face is a blank slate…like a book without words, it doesn’t speak to you.

In fact, young people are not usually very happy. They are manically trying to FIND happiness; running from party to party searching for something that is missing inside them. They ALL seem to hate the way that they look. They are seldom content with their station in life and most important they don’t KNOW what it is that they really want. THIS is the state of “perfection” that we are supposed to pursue for a life time???? EGAD!

The reason for this unreal portrayal is I suspect, mercenary and financially motivated. First they show you (Ms. and Mr. Average) how inadequate you are and THEN they make a fortune selling advertising services, foods and plans that all assure you that they can fix this…for a price. Have you ever noticed that the commercials seem to swap between pictures of young. “beautiful” people stuffing fattening things into their mouths gleefully and pictures of young “beautiful” people selling you things that will “fix” you after you have finished gorging on the afore advertised goodies!!??

Look at the advertising on the packages and in the ads and see how many foods are touted to be FUN!!!! Food is supposed to TASTE good and be nutritious. It can be satisfying but FUN really isn’t an appropriate adjective! This is especially true of foods targeted at kids and when they say FUN what they really mean is sugar and fat packed empty calories! Fat Kids ensures future Millions FIXING this problem. GRRRRRRRR!

Let me tell you something…When it comes to life, It is QUALLITY, NOT QUANTITY THAT COUNTS!! Eat a healthy diet, don’t worry about your weight too much as long as you are active and healthy and be content with what you ARE rather than trying to conform to someone else’s idea of what you should look like. If you live to 65 gleefully you are WAY better off than the poor sod that fretted, struggled and worried their way to 80! The age that you live to is more in your genes than in your waist line anyway.

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