Friday, June 13, 2008

Cycles of Saddness

One of the saddest days of my life was when I realized that we as Americans no longer were viable or worthy of being free men. Our great experiment in Democracy and freedom has failed. The problem seems to be that without some outside guiding force, we as a people will sink to our lowest common denominator rather than our highest. This country has sank into a sad state of decadent greed and stupidity that in history has always ended in anarchy and collapse.

We are no longer able to do and see the real necessary things; rather we are mired in struggles over the scraps while the true banquet rots on the table. An example of what I mean is the current oil and gas crisis. Without the fuel to run our country, the mega cities that have popped up all over the country will begin to die. The prices climb and the people all scream but instead of intelligent action we settle for insane rhetoric. The price of gas is directly related to the cost of oil!! To me this is simple but to most it seems that this is a complex conundrum. Why is the price of oil so high? Because we refuse to drill for oil in our own country and thanks to the insanity of the government are totally dependant on the foreign oil. Florida FLOATS on a huge reservoir of oil but we can’t drill for it. The Chinese have gone into partnership with Cuba to drill and suck this oil right out from under us. Alaska is oil rich as is California but we can’t drill there either. We are like a starving people who put all our food in a corner and refuse to eat it. Instead we are like beggars asking others to sell us the scraps from their tables. Is it any wonder that they look upon us as fools and rape us with their prices?? When we were developing our own resources we controlled our destiny…and the price of energy. If the Arabs got too crazy all we had to do is cut back our purchases of their oil and the bottom fell out of the market. We did this the last time that they tried this and after a short period of higher prices and some shortages, the price of oil went to under 20 dollars a barrel.

Our solution this time is to blame the AMERICAN oil companies. The Democrats want to tax them out of existence and also mandate restrictions on our use of alternative resources such as natural gas and coal. If we are stupid enough as a people to starve ourselves to death while we sit with food all around us we deserve to die!! The same idiots that don’t want us to use the coal, oil and natural gas also fight against nuclear power. Without power, the Mega cities become uninhabitable. Wind and solar power, the so called “green” energies, won’t even allow these people to drink and flush their toilets!! NYC without a constant influx of food energy, water and goods, becomes a carnal house in less than a week and a ghost town in less than a month. Those people won’t leave, they will DIE there. LA, Chicago, Houston, Dallas, Philadelphia, Miami, San Francisco, all will die without their HUGE daily transfusions.

I know, you are sitting out there like the residents of Pompeii thinking that this can’t happen to us. We will do something before it gets that bad. BULL PUCKEY! If you wait until the ash starts to fall, you are doomed. The Arabs don’t care, most of them still live a close hand to mouth existence already while their Sheiks eat off gold plates and wipe their butts with silk. Europe will survive; it went through this very thing less that 75 years ago. China and Russia have lived with the specter of starvation never far from their minds eye. Only here are people so ignorant that they don’t believe that it can happen to them. Only in our freedom to be stupid could a people vote for their demise gleefully. The rich here don’t realize that for one thing, you can’t eat money and secondly, when the dark times come the mobs drag the high down first. Read about the French revolution! The poor lazy leaches think that poverty is not having the newest pair of hundred dollar stylish shoes or having to drive a 5 year old car. Food stamps are WORTHLESS when there is no food on the shelves!

Go to the poles this year my lemming compatriots. Vote for more cake and circuses. I fear not the dark because I see it rather than pretend it isn’t there. When the sun again rises, what people are left will be better for shedding the fleas that were sucking them dry. Whatever rule comes to pass will be no wiser nor longer lasting that that which has past before. Until people change there is little hope for any society that they build. It will grow, bloom, bear fruit in plenty and then the fruit will rot and the plant will die because man is as an annual rather than a perennial flower and must be reborn again and again from the rotted remains of its predecessor.


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