Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's Day

Today was a nice day. My girls came out, Vivi made home made tostadas and after lunch we went to the pool. VERY relaxing and pleasurable.

My legs are still hurting a little but by tomorrow I expect to be back to a better place in that area.

I miss my Dad. There are times when I would give anything to just sit down with him again and talk. A man never truly understands what being grown up and alone is until his Father is gone and HE is the old man of the clan. Today he has been in my thoughts a lot more than usual...even for Father's Day. I remember the many things that he told me. Many of then I was sure at the time were wrong and nearly all of them turned out to be right on the money. Time doesn't insure that you will gain wisdom but it sure offers you a perspective that is conducive to a wider and more realistic world view. As you see things come around again and again you finally learn and remember. The next time you see it coming you warn your kids and they think, after it comes to pass, that you are some kind of prophet or something. All you have done is REMEMBER the past, not foresee the future. To kids though, it might as well be the same thing. I suspect that most clairvoyant predictions are more just un-common-common sense. I told people 3 years ago to prepare for a rough year in 08. We were going to be hearing recession and bad economic news almost daily and this if nothing else would ensure that people would get nervous and curtail their spending. I didn't see into the future, I have lived through election years with an incumbent Republican in the White House before. We could be lighting our cigars with hundred dollar bills, using twenties for toilet paper and making money hand over fist but the media and Democrats are going to start screaming that the economy is bad and we are in deep economic trouble...and dummies that we are most people will believe it and stop spending money which will make the economy slow. This happens EVERY time the REPS have an incumbent and it is a presidential election year. If you will try to remember this, in a decade or so YOU too can look like a prophet. My Dad told me a lot of stuff such as this but mostly it ran off me like water off a duck’s back. Now I begin to remember it because I am old enough to see it too and that makes me remember. So sad, when you are young enough to use wisdom you are too young to have it even if it is offered to you. When you begin to get a little of it, your life is drawing down and you have little need for it…so, like your Dad before you, you try and give it away…

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