Thursday, June 26, 2008

Grumps, gripes and Hurray for the Supreme Court

Ya know, sometime I think there is a jinx on my going to therapy. Tuesday hail and tornados; today as I was ready to walk out my door I realized that my AC wasn’t working! You can’t live in East Texas in the summer without your AC! So instead of going to exercise under the watchful eye of 3 cute therapists, I called, canceled and went to work on my AC. I had hoped to go back to work after the 4th of July but today busted THAT bubble! First I had to tear down my inside unit and then I got to go out and tear down the outside. The contactor on the condenser outside had fried and that in turn fried my transformer inside. I must have got down on my knees and then got back up a hundred times. Vivi was in my truck so I had to go to town to buy parts that I normally carry and have on hand. Fortunately I had my tools in my shop. By the time that I was done I felt like I had been stomped by a herd of hogs. My hip does not like kneeling and crouching. On the good side, at least I could fix it. With me not working I don’t want to even THINK about a new entire unit. As it was I got out for about 17 dollars and gas money…and a little minor agony.

On a happier note I was pleased today that the Supreme Court finally actually ruled that when the 2nd amendment says that the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed it means that people have a right to own arms and defend their homes. DUH!!!! Liberals all over are squalling and bawling. They just can’t seem to understand that if strict and rigid gun control laws would make people safe, DC, LA and NYC would be the three safest cities in the country. Sadly this is so far from the truth that it is frightening that seemingly intelligent people can’t understand that gun control only protects the criminals and makes criminals out of good, honest people.

I received my copy of the Obama book "Dreams of My Father" today and will start reading it tonight.

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