Monday, June 16, 2008

Gay Rights and Freedom

I saw something on the TV today that bugged me and I need to get it off my chest. Soooo…

California today is allowing same sex weddings. It seems that a lot of people are really bothered about this. I’m not sure that I totally understand why but they have the right to be upset. Just like the Gay couples have the right to be as they are.

Being free is a tough thing sometimes. Our founding Fathers understood this and did their very best to set up guidelines that would help us make it easier. Unfortunately people resist freedom at every turn and try to deny it to anyone that isn’t just like them. In the constitution of our country it clearly says that as far as our freedoms are concerned, ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL. We fought over whether Black men we men. We fought over whether Women were men. At one time it was debatable whether Catholics were men! Let me tell you something. Either ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL or NONE of us are really free. When you deny someone else their rights, you are setting yourself up for someone else to take away YOUR rights. Right now we are fussing over whether Gay people are men. This is such bull puckey!!! If you can say that they aren’t free “men” because their lifestyle is as sin and wrong, then you can say, if you are say a Methodist, that a Baptist or Catholic isn’t a free “man” because they sin by not being just like YOU!

I don’t care whether or not you approve of their lifestyle, all that I am saying is that they have the right to be as they are and the right to be free “men”. Marriage is a religious rite. The Government has no right or ability to control this. Any ordained minister or just plain ordained person can marry you and there isn’t a thing that the government can say about this. What this is all about is the right of Gay people to not be ripped of by the government and their employers. If I work and pay social security and die, my spouse has a right to some of that money if she needs it. THAT IS MY MONEY THAT I WORKED HARD FOR AND MY LOVED ONES DESERVE TO BENEFIT FROM MY HARD WORK!!!!!!!! A Gay person pays but their loved ones get screwed and the government steals their money! The place where my Wife works provides insurance and some benefits to their employees and families. This even includes shack up buddies as long as you will sign a paper that states that you are living as domestic partners…unless you are Gay. This is a part of your WAGE. You earn this by your work. Equal pay for equal work should be the law…It IS the law as long as you are not Gay! If you are Gay then your partner should be covered at least as well as a shack up buddy.

Whether you approve of them or not, Gay people are “men” too or nobody is truly a Free “man.” You may think that you are but you just haven’t been noticed yet. Give it time and they will get around to you too. We as Americans will either stand TOGETHER or we will eventually HANG together form the gibbet of some fascist’s gallows.

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