Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Raising Kids...

Today has been BOOOOORING. I am soooooo ready to go back to work and get going again. I feel fine and am a lot better than I was for the last 9 months before my hip replacement. I am going to tough it out though and not go back to work until after the 4th of July.

Saturday I will be teaching my casting class at the State Park and that will be fun. I really like messing with the Kiddos. Everyone is amazed that I am going to be there but actually I could have done that 2 or 3 weeks ago as long as I have a helper to do the pick-up for me.

It amazes me these days how many people don’t seem to care much about their kids. Most of the kids are brought by their Cub Scout, School, Church Groups or Grandparents because the parents can’t take the time to spend 4 hours with their kids. You know, our kids are our future. If we don’t have time for them then where in the heck are they supposed to learn the important things in life? It is no wonder that so many kids don’t have manners or morals. Nobody ever took the time to teach them! I know a couple that wouldn’t even teach their kids how to talk. All of their kids entered school without the ability to communicate with other people. It was just easier for them to let the kids make up their own words for things than to teach them the right words or correct them. I’m not joking!! Each kid went straight into speech therapy as soon as they started school but even with this, they would continue to speak their babble talk at home and let their older sibling interpret for them when they just had to be understood.

Why have kids if you don’t want to help them learn how to be functioning members of society. The thing that makes me sick is that in our politically correct kinder gentler society, this is not something that you are allowed to do anything about. When the teachers tried to make these kids function as normal people their parents pulled them out of school because they were being “picked on” by the school and teachers. They were mad because the teachers wouldn’t teach what and how they wanted their kids taught. SO, the people that couldn’t even teach their kids to talk are now home schooling these same poor kids.

I probably wouldn’t be so freaked about this if I knew or thought that this was an isolated or unusual thing. I know personally of two other situations that are about the same. What sort of future is there for a country and people that allow this and even to some extent encourage it? The most important thing anymore is the little egos. In our efforts to encourage a high self-esteem we have set aside competence, education and morals. What we are getting is a bunch of lazy, undisciplined, self-centered, ignorant little monsters that think that they are the GREATEST and are ENTITLED to the best. God help us all!!

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