Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Election Year Jitters

Last night was a rough one. I think that I have a 24 hour bug…I HOPE that it is a 24 hour one anyway. I feel better this morning but didn’t go to do my Physical Therapy. Actually yesterday in general was a raunchy day. I was poop magnet and every thing that I touched I messed up. I guess there have to be some days like that to balance out the ones that go right.

This election year is going to be a real bugger. People are scared! For the first time since WW2 our security within our own borders is questionable. 911 still hangs over our heads because we all really know that it can and may happen again in some form. The price of gas threatens us all with financial ruin. Whether we want to admit it or not, the prospect of having our first Black President and one with a middle name of Hussein is a little disturbing. We all hope that he will be a president for all the people and not just a Black president. This isn’t a real worry I don’t think but when you are worried all sort of things come to mind. On the flip side McCain is unrealistic about Iraq and I have lived through one Vietnam and that was plenty. I actually don’t think that John McCain stands a chance. He hasn’t distanced himself from the Bush policies and people are sick and tired of Geedumbaya and his idiocies. Also I am afraid that his mental state is slipping. His control over his mouth is not what it should be. Look for him to develop a severe case of Anthrax (Hoof in Mouth) before the election campaign has gone far.

I expect there to be some real trouble this year. Feelings are running high and people are already beginning to behave irrationally. I honestly don’t think that it matters which one wins in the long run. We are in for some rough waters and the end result, I think, will be the same either way we go. At some point in the near future we are going to have to decide whether we want to survive as a nation or go down in flames. We can’t sit on our resources much longer. The bugs, rabbits and caribou will either have to adapt to us or we will have to accept a 75% reduction in our population and a total restructuring of our society so that we can coexist with them without disturbing them. Without fuel we can’t live as we do now. Only an agricultural society where most people feed themselves from the sweat of their OWN brow can do without the energy that we are using now. The cost of our urbanization in energy is vast and there is NO way to reduce it. The food and ALL of the energy and resources have to be gathered, refined and transported to the people. The waste is terrible. In a rural agrarian setting they are mostly used on site and it takes a tenth of what it does in a commercial farming set up.

We will either make some changes of our one volition or wait and later it will be forced on us in a much less pleasant fashion. Reality is that way you know. It will only let you ignore it so long and then it jumps up and bites you on the arse! I actually pity the winner of this election. Wait and see. It’s gonna be bad!

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