Sunday, July 27, 2008

The choices in the comming election

Obama has written several very interesting and reveling books about himself and his thoughts. There isn't must to know about him politically though because his public life has been almost exclusively been spent running for office. First for a state legislative office then in short order for the US Senate and after one year there he started running for the Presidency. He has never had time to actually do ANYTHING because he is always working toward his next position. Since there is nothing higher than the White House, we will only get to find out who and what he really is and stands for after it will be too late if we don't like him. Right now all there is to know is that he is a great campaigner and delivers a great speech. He is highly intelligent, seems to be charismatic and a generally nice guy...

McCain seems to be a nut, fixated on winning a war we are not fighting (all we are really doing is refereeing the fight and getting hurt trying to get between the real combatants) and unable to face the reality that it is a lost cause. Eventually we will "win" the war like we did in Vietnam. Negotiate a cease fire, collect a Nobel Peace Prize (Like Kissinger did.), declare the war over and RUN...then the real winners will kill their opposition and take power.

The REAL issues facing the next President though will not be foreign policy. We have problems at home that need to be addressed or they are going to crush us. We MUST have fuel or we will die. If we decide not to address this with REAL answers we will be through as international leaders of any kind. When you can't feed and house your own people you tend to stop paying much attention to the troubles of others. Check out Russia if you want to see one of our possible futures. The Democrats don't want us to use coal, oil, natural gas or nuclear power and put up road blocks at every turn. Solar and wind power might work but not in the near future (Maybe in twenty years if we work hard on them). If we don't do something NOW there won't be a far future for our culture.

We need to drill HERE and NOW for more domestic fuels. We need more Nuclear power plants to displace coal, fired generating plants. We need to downsize what the average person believes is necessary for a satisfactory lifestyle. We need to fix and expand our old and dilapidated rail system and then BAN long haul trucking. The pace of American life needs to slow down and streamline. Most of these things will happen whether we want them too or not. the only question is going to be how destructive and painful the process will be. Europe did it through two wars and the total destruction of the existing economic systems. When they rebuilt they changed things. I hope that we don't have to go there in order to make the changes that lie ahead.

By the way, The National average price for gas in the US has dropped below $4.00 a gallon and there is expected to be another 25cent drop before labor day. It seems that things are moving slightly faster than I expected. Oh Well nobody is perfect...

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