Thursday, July 3, 2008

Death Penalty misuse

The GRRRRR of the day IS…The death penalty. A man on death row today since 1984 got a stay of his date with the executioner. It seems that there is DNA evidence that the DA wouldn’t run until yesterday a Judge ordered a stay until this is done. WHY did it take a court order to get our judicial system to do what it is supposed to do? Why is it that all death row inmates DNA is not gathered upon their entry. It not only is not gathered but it takes a court order to get it. One “killer” was cleared by DNA evidence that was snuck out in the form of a bloodied “sample” from a dental procedure.

Don’t get me wrong here. I don’t have a problem with the prompt execution of a KNOWN killer. Known means absolute proof and or a confession. It does not mean a nebulous circumstantial case that is made up of nothing more substantial than the wind from a DA’s mouth. The death penalty is not vengeance, it is not punishment. It is society protecting itself from a person that is believed to be an ongoing and continual threat to almost anyone that comes in contact with them. It is NEVER a game that a DA is playing to win irregardless of the guilt or innocence of the accused.

If a DA is caught failing to do their very best to insure the actual guilt of people that they convict then the DA should take that persons place on Death Row. Too often they not only are not searching for the true facts they are covering these facts up. The same DA that will gladly send a man of to be executed on evidence based on DNA will fight tooth and toenail the release of on man cleared by DNA evidence.

If we can’t do it right then we shouldn’t do it. I think that it is long past time to face the fact that innocent people are being murdered by the state. When the DNA thing first came out there were hoards of people freed from death rows all over the country. This MEANS that before this those people would have died. Even ONE innocent man is too many!

I hear people all the time head running that we need to cut off the appeals and execute these people. The man that got this stay has been on Death Row since 1984! If he is cleared by the DNA then we as a people have been saved from another innocents mans blood being on our hands.

Believe me, LIFE in prison without hope of parole is a much better punishment anyway.

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